Monday, October 25, 2010

Nail polish and running shoes

Abbi and Emma have recently posted to their old blog from a loooong time ago. Check it out! (Click here)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Victims of a Vicious Crime

Wondering what that lovely picture is? John and I were walking the boys (our three dogs). Strolling down the sidewalk having a lovely conversation when I hear a bang, bang, bang and hear John screaming "AAAAAAAA, I've been shot!" Someone had aimed from their car and pelted him with a beebee gun. John yells "I'm going after those idiots!" Dropping the leash he dashes off after the moving truck. It was so brave and beautiful. He didn't get too far before his flip flops tripped him up. Oh, my knight in shining armor. I shudder to think what would have happened if he had run fast enough in his flip flops to catch the moving truck with the guns! The police came and took a report as well as pictures of the injury. This is his arm- there were six in all. I was very proud of my knight in leather flip flops.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lots of Locks of Love

Emma's Luscious Locks

Emma has been growing out her hair for a while. She has a purpose in mind.

Locks of Love!!

Scary Karren Halloween

John says these are too frightening to post!! Abbi has enjoyed making these. Our next post will be more uplifting. BOO!